A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

this game is a little game made for the Untitled Game Jam #90 with theme layer

it has 5 levels and a level editor

to use the level editor you first choose the X, Y, Z sizes then press enter to go to edit mode, there you can use up and down arrow to change tiles click to place them, use A and D to move on the Z axis, and use rightclick and drag to mov on XY axis; pressing enter you can test your level, to exit test mode, use the insert key or finish the level, when you like your level you can press insert in the edit mode to export your level as a .lvl file that you will take the name you gave it into the levels folder. you can also open a level that is in the level folder by pressing the insert key in the dimension selector, remember don't add .lvl at the end of the name, the game will do it for you


Lost & Layer³d Windows 4 MB
Lost & Layer³d Linux 4 MB

Install instructions

dowload, extract, launch and enjoy this game